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#search for a word in a file
grep "word" file.txt
#search in all the files in a directory
grep -r "word" directory/
#tell me about the join command
man join
#symlink files
ln -s realname.ext fakename.ext
#see history but cut line numbers at start
history | cut -c 8-
#wget files
#get ftp address of file
wget <ftp address>
#format a tabular file in view
less file.txt | column -t
#sort table (a tsv) by number in col 3
sort -nk 3 file.txt > sorted.txt
#sort a table and keep the header
# extract header
head -1 file.txt > sorted.txt
# extract all but header
# then sort by reverse number in col 2
tail -n+2 file.txt | sort -nrk 2 >> sorted.txt
#glob: a pattern for searching filenames
#NOTE: can be different to regex
#show all files ending in .txt
echo *.txt
#remove a file with certain chars in the name
#use a backslash to escape the char
# note: not a forward slash. important!
# if filename is (file).txt
rm \(file\).txt